These are our people – Lubos Machek


Who are the people that are working in the Volentis fields? Who are the men that work for your projects, your customers or perhaps your landscape design? We like to introduce you our people, the men that make your future trees to the best product.

Meet Lubos: “I work at Volentis for more than ten years! But, that wasn’t my plan when I started to work. At first, I wanted to work in the forestry. My dad worked for the Forestry Commission, so I grew up with a high interest in nature and trees. So when I heard from Volentis and the things they do, it was clear to me that I wanted to work there.”

How does a day in the working life of Lubos looks like?

“I work as a seller at Volentis. I literally try to sell our trees! At Volentis we have customers all over Europe. And I know how to speak the languages at the eastern part of Europe. This helps me in speaking to our customers. What I like in my work is that I know most of my customers personally. I know what they need, what sort of trees they want to produce and when they want to have them. Next to that I like to think about new developments for Volentis. I especially like to think about new ways to plant and grow trees. It’s very challenging to discover new ways to grow trees, for example I like to think about the possibilities to grow trees on rooftops!”

What do you like most in your work?

“The freedom! I’m not tied to my desk, I can go out if I want to. I can schedule my day how I want to. If I think it is necessary to visit a client, or to visit one of our plantations, that’s possible. Our company is set up to make sure you do your work good, but within your own schedule. I also like to travel for Volentis. I like to have a look at the different plantations in the different countries. It is fascinating to keep learning how trees and plants develop in different climates, with different soil types. At Volentis we think it is important to keep learning from what we see and what we do, and within my job that is fairly well possible.”

Want to read more about Volentis? Please have a look at our Volentis LinkedIn-page and our Volentis Instagram-page!

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