Promising varieties for the future
We love development at Volentis. We like following the trends affecting our own range, but we’re also continually looking at how we can expand that range with the right trees. But when can a tree be regarded as ‘right’, or, for example, promising? We have listed five very promising trees for you below that are ready for the future. They are trees that have certain characteristics that may be important in the short or long term.
Acer Freemanii Autumn Blaze (‘Jeffersred’)
This is an excellent example of a tree that really is ready for the future. The Jeffersred is a healthy tree that can grow up to approx. 15 metres in height with a regular, broad, pyramidal crown. It also does its name justice. The red petioles of the Jeffersred, greyish underneath, become orange-red to intensely red in the autumn and the leaf maintains this colour for a long time before it falls. A perfect tree, given that the seasons can fluctuate so much nowadays. Acer freemanii ‘Autumn Blaze’ is also much less demanding than Acer rubrum with regard to the ground and it will even thrive in heavier clay soils.
Alnus spaethii ‘Spaeth’
The Spaeth is a highly valued alder that we like to use in projects because it can withstand the winter well and it blossoms early in the spring. The rusty yellow catkins often appear before the end of January. The Spaeth is also a powerful grower. Another advantage of this alder is that it doesn’t require much of the ground it is in and it will even withstand road salt. You can put this tree almost anywhere.
Celtis Australis
This modest grower is perfect for an avenue or street. Even though it isn’t used much in northern Europe, we at Volentis see a great deal of potential in the Australis. This largely because it is heat resistant and the Australis is not that sensitive to air pollution. This beautiful Celtis or nettle tree develops an umbrella-shaped crown, particularly when it is older, creating a lovely picture in the landscape.
Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Summit’
This Fraxinus is almost completely resistant to ash dieback, but what makes it so promising is that it can be used in the street as well as in the park and it is ideal for dry ground as long as it is fertile. The well-branched root system means that the tree is well anchored and the ‘Summit’ becomes a beautiful yellow in the autumn. It really is a tree that thrives in the city!
Zelkova serrata Green Vase (‘Flekova’)
A good example of a very promising tree variety. The ‘Flekova’ has a beautiful bronze to orange-yellow autumn colour. The way it grows is smaller than other varieties, which makes an ideal tree to line an avenue. Even though it belongs to the Ulmaceae family, it is resistant to Dutch elm disease.
There are, of course, even more trees that we regard as very promising, and we are also open to suggestions. If you have any, do get in touch with us, and if you would like to know more about any of these varieties, we will be happy to tell you.